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include you in our mailing lists
bring you new customers
publish your offers on our websites ​
create your digital welcome guide
offer you personalized coaching
You are :
furnished rental(s)
tourist accommodation
We can :
You communicate to us
your tariffs
your availability in real time
photos of your performances
your booking and cancellation conditions​​
we communicate your offers on different media
we manage reservations
we collect customer payments
we provide you with customer information
we pay you your full benefit by bank transfer
we manage arrivals and departures on site
we provide the cleaning service (on estimate or invoicing to the customer)
we can manage the deposit of your customers​​
Your commitments:
Our engagements :
How are we paid:
Management fees are paid directly by your tenants
Therefore, you receive all of the rents requested
Your only risk is to rent + !
In summary :
No costs for you
We market your products without exclusivity
In case of reservation, we notify you immediately
You receive the details of the reservation according to your criteria
You are paid by bank transfer on the day of the start of the service
We provide check-in & check-out, cleaning and deposits with the help of our partner SWIKLY
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